It's been a long while since I posted. It's hard to find the time since I got my job in Boulder. My off time I spend with the kids, so that leaves time to sleep. Theo and I did manage to use our new income to have a babysitter and date night. I'm not sure how we survived before date night. I think the kids feel the same way. They love having a hang out and movie night with Chansa. Kai has already reached the age where he "hangs out with Chansa" rather than "is babysat by Chansa." Jasmine loves her because she paints Jazz's nails different colors.

Jasmine insists on wearing a dress at every opportunity. Most of her dresses are spring dresses, so she can only wear them inside since the weather has gotten colder. She doesn't like dressing in pants and long sleeve shirts, but will tolerate it for the sake of going outside, which she loves. Hats and sunglasses are fine though, she puts these on by herself without prompting.

So, anyway, here she is. She heard me taking pictures and ran into the room saying, "Cheese! Cheese!" Well, it's hard to resist taking pictures when invited so cutely. Personally, I think her motivation is that she wants to see the little screen on the camera after I take the picture. One of her favorite things is looking at pictures of her friends, teachers and family. I make photo books for her and she'll spend hours staring at them and identifying the people in the photos. I think its a good exercise in using her vision.