We dug out an old pair of the boys' snowpants and brought Mei out for some snow fun. The oversized hat had her head covered more completely than Sun Bonnet Sue. I laid down in the snow to snap a picture of her face.
She was very comfortable just sitting in the snow and tasting different areas of the yard. I think she was bummed that she wasn't old enough for junior grade extreme sledding.
During all this, I thought, maybe they're ready to try downhill skiing. I mentioned it to the boys and Kai said, "Sleding is skiing on your butt!" True.
This is the next day. Sunny and warm and the the children have visions of self-disfigurement dancing in their heads. This time it took the form of sledding from the second tier down to the first.
Rod Ford has an exhibit of eight foot plus tall robot sculptures on display at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, I assume in conjunction with the current, but not here for long, Engineer It!. I had the pleasure to meet Rod about ten years ago when I was doing sculpture and debating the pros and cons of becoming a welder versus a mathematician.
Kai and Li Mei both hate going to sleep. Kai's not so bad anymore, but when he was younger he'd fight tooth and nail to stay up. Jasmine doesn't so much fight as giggle herself awake. I suppose they both think there's too many things to do to waste on sleep. Where could they have gotten that from?
Since the holiday's had my schedule all screwy, we'll have a lump 'o posts coming.
I'm a mom of three incredible children. I also do quilting, photography, math geek stuff, computer wrangling, origami, and entomology-arachnology geek stuff.