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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Jasmine's Dentist Photoshoot

The Healthy Smiles Dentist Clinic of the Children's Hospital were rather taken with Jasmine. They took some pictures when we came in for her checkup. An interesting note, Jasmine's front teeth have moved. When we got her, they were jutting out as a result of thumb sucking. Her teeth are almost straight now -- the dentist said if a child sucks their thumb less than six hours a day, they return to the normal position. It's sobering to think she was sucking her thumb more than six hours a day at the orphanage.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Bath, the Rowan Version

Cookie Monster and Elmo never had a chance.

Here are some more photos from the same time. Rowan made many sound effects as he narrated the various trials and tribulations that Cookie Monster and Elmo faced. Using a rainbow-colored floating xylophone as a boat and ladder, our two heroes escaped the wily plastic octopus and its nefarious partner the squeaking, suction cup-endowed, Halloween bat.

Jasmine's Bath

I'm behind on posts, so here's a group.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Lady Wolf

Here's our wolf spider. I found it defrosting on the wall of the 500 building at Fitzsimmons and dumped the last bit of my coffee out, dried the mug and put in a little dirt and a stick, then nudged in the spider. It's saying something that I love spiders more than coffee. Okay, had it been a new full steaming cup it would have been a toss up.

In any case, she's out guest now. Her body is about three centimeters, but honestly I need to measure her for the real numbers. She's the largest wolf spider I've seen outside the Butterfly pavilion. It's also a pedipalp guess that this is a female. She's a beauty though and doesn't seem to mind her new home with central heating and food delivery.

Here I was messing with lighting (my three white LED reading light supplemented with overhead incandescents), long exposurse (between twenty and thirty seconds) and my new Sigma macro lens. Photo processing by Picasa leaves something to be desired, but I might fool around with it using Adobe.
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