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Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Ghost of Stan Laurel ...

... has possessed my dad.

This first picture at Christmas showed a notable resemblance, but it didn't seem uncanny. When I pulled an old Laurel and Hardy picture into Photoshop, I thought I'd have to do a lot of dinking to fit Dad's face over Laurel's.

Nope. The only difference I needed to compensate for was that Laurel's ears extend higher than Dad's, maybe by half an inch at most. The rest was pretty much an overlay.

So now we know, Dad's TRUE calling is to become a Stan Laurel impersonator.
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JimMiller said...

Looks like you flip his face left-to-right, too.

Hypatia said...

Wow, you're good. :) I flipped it because the light sources were opposite in the L&H photo and the picture of my dad.